Aliuminio portalinis kranas

2021 m. rugsėjo 07 d


1. Keliamoji galia: 0,5 tonos – 5 tonos

2. Krano tarpatramis: 2m – 8m arba pagal užsakymą

3. Kėlimo aukštis: nuo 1m iki 8m arba pagal užsakymą

4. Kėlimo įrenginys: motorizuotas arba rankinis

5. Darbo pareiga: A3

6. Maitinimo šaltinis: priklauso nuo maitinimo šaltinio

aluminum gantry crane for sale


Aliuminio portalinis kranas yra vidutinio lengvumo kranas su CD, MD, HC tipo elektriniu keltuvu arba rankiniu keltuvu, pagrindinės sijos viršus sumontuotas ant dviejų stulpų, stulpai ant rato ant sijos žemės.

Aluminum gantry crane portable has a unique modular design, can easily be split into several parts, convenient transportation, when indoor overhead the runway is not applicable, or outdoor pillars cannot accommodate, Aluminum gantry crane is a good choice. Compared with the heavy-duty gantries, this crane is omni-directional movability, fast to assembly and small volume.

3 ton aluminum gantry


1. Light dead weight, compact structure, flexible and small wheel load.

2. Move under load, start and stop smoothly.

3. Rapid assembly and disassembly, removable design makes transportation and installation easier.

4. Portable design allows for relocation for use in more than one facility or work area.

5. Brake bearing universal wheel can move on the ground, reduce the human power, production costs, and improve work efficiency.

6. Aluminum Adjustable height mini gantry crane portable can work with manual hoist or electric hoist.

7. Easy operation Control by pendent controller with push buttons or wireless controller.

2 ton aluminum gantry crane


1. Small package volume, convenient disassembly and transport.

2. Selecting electric trolley assembly can realize trackless weight-bearing and greatly improve the work efficiency, steerable.

3. We accept customized size and rated load. Aluminum gantry crane for lifting heavy things can make you save more strength to lift heavy things.





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